Meet Your Mappers!

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Meet Your Mappers is a website that lets you find active mappers in your area, or any area you are interested in!

This website is created and maintained by Martijn van Exel. All the code is Open Source and licensed under MIT. It is a hobby project. If you have questions about Meet Your Mappers! or would like to request a feature, feel free to ask, but don't be angry if I say no or if I don't immediately respond. I do love to hear from users about how they use this website, so please do get in touch!

Map long and prosper 🖖🏻,



The steps to get your list of mappers are:

  1. Log in with your OpenStreetMap account. You can create one if you do not have one.
  2. Zoom and pan the map to the area you are interested in.
  3. Click Draw Rectangle to put the map in drawing mode.
  4. Click and drag to create a box.
  5. Click Meet Your Mappers!.
  6. After a short while, a list of active mappers in the area will appear.


  • At the bottom of the list, you will find an Export to CSV button. This lets you download the list as a CSV file that you can use in other programs.
  • If the list is very long and you are looking for a particular mapper, you can start typing their username in the text box that says Filter by username
  • We go back one year to get active mappers in the area you selected.
  • Only boxes are supported at this time. If your box is too big, we will tell you. You can start over with a smaller box. The maximum width and height allowed is 1 degree. The larger the box, the longer it takes to retrieve the list
  • You can sort the list by clicking on the headers.
  • Only the top 100 mappers with the most changes in your area will be displayed. If you download the CSV, all mappers will be included.
  • The website loads new data from OSM in the background, so we are always up-to-date!
  • Please use this website only for personal or OSM volunteer community purposes.